Asbestos Removal

Experienced Asbestos Abatement in Northern Nevada

Asbestos is a threadlike mineral fiber that is found worldwide in certain rocks. It was used in many building products because of its fire resistant and binding capabilities. In 1978, Federal EPA mandated that asbestos could no longer be used in the manufacturing of building products made in the USA. One would think that any building constructed after that date, would be asbestos free, but many contractors were allowed to deplete their stocks, and given the fact that so many products of foreign origin contain asbestos, the rule of thumb does not hold true. If you are planning any remodeling, you should have all materials tested for asbestos that you plan to disturb.  

A few examples where asbestos can be found are:
Asbestos Removal — Man in Abestos-Suits in Nevada, CA
  • Floor tile and linoleum
  • Mastics used to attach mirrors paneling etc.
  • Sprayed acoustic ceiling material and ceiling tiles
  • Drywall texture and taping mud
  • Transite panels (siding and roofing)
  • Roofing materials
  • Fireproofing on steel beams
  • Thermal system insulation found on boilers, pipes and ducts.

The Dangers of Asbestos

When any of these materials are cut, broken, sanded or deteriorated, they release fibers into the air. These microscopic fibers have very sharp edges and when breathed into the lungs, they continually irritate the soft tissues causing scarring and shortness of breath. If you are a smoker and come in contact with asbestos fibers, you double your risk of getting asbestosis, lung cancer or even mesothelioma.
Owners and managers of commercial buildings or public housing should have any relative materials tested before remodeling or trying to repair damages.

Call The Asbestos Experts

For example: You have a roof leak that has caused an area of sprayed acoustic ceiling material to delaminate. First you should call for emergency services from both a consulting firm and an abatement company. The abatement company will build a containment to secure the limited area in case the materials do contain asbestos.

This safeguards owner/manager liabilities and prevents contamination of other areas of the building, until the repairs can be made. By no means should you try to clean up the area, it could cause further contamination, and if inhabited move the people out until it is safe to go back.
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