Lead Remediation

Lead Abatement and Removal Specialists in 
Northern Nevada

Reno, Nevada

During the past two renovations, Advance Installations was responsible for the safe removal of lead-based paint from this beautiful historic landmark.

Many houses and apartments built before 1978 have paint that contains lead. Lead from paint (chips and dust) can pose serious health hazards if not taken care of properly.

To know for certain if your house has lead based paint, you should have it tested by a licensed consultant. You can manage it in place even if it tests positive by washing active areas such as windows and doors that rub the painted surfaces when opened and closed. Painting over lead based paint that is in good condition will prolong the life of the surface by encapsulating the lead based paint.

Trained, Professional Lead Abatement Contractors

If the paint is loose and peeling, you should call a licensed lead abatement contractor to remove the loose paint prior to the application of any new paint. As a trained lead abatement contractor, we are aware of the precautionary steps to take to protect you and our workers when removing the materials. If not handled properly it could make the problem worse through the spreading of dust to other areas. Exterior paint chips could have fallen in the dirt or shrubbery over the years and must be cleaned up. Our trained abatement crew knows where to locate chips and dust to make sure your job is 100 complete when they leave.
We have pamphlets available that offer more information on lead products, the hazards and health risks. Just give us a call at 1-800-431-8033 or call the National lead information center at 1-800-LEAD FYI.

Remember to always look for trained, experienced professionals for your own safety and the safety of those you love.

Advance Installations’ crews are trained, and federally certified for Lead Abatement in Nevada and DHS Certified for California.  
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